My Little Story Box was created to be an invitation to play from the moment your child opens the box. Your little one will get to explore on their own and ignite their curiosity, while you gain a moment to sit back, relax, and enjoy watching that little mind work.

your little one will Make connections

from the story to the toys in the box, and watch their story come to life!

Some other benefits include:

  • improvements in fine motor skills

  • problem solving skills

  • building vocabulary

  • hand-eye coordination

  • family bonding

  • and so much more!

As an elementary school teacher,

I loved anything with a theme and seeing which direction the kids would take with it.

Themes are so open-ended, interest-based, and it’s really cool to watch when you see a child think and express themselves through that theme. It was one of my favorite parts of teaching!

While I’ve been out of the classroom for a few years, my love for literacy and making books come to life is still very present, and it’s how My Little Story Box was created in November of 2021. Who knew that 4 years as an Education Undergrad and a Masters in Reading would be put to good use again?!

Now as a stay at home mom,

I love getting to create opportunities for Lily to play as she increases her interests and continues to explore the world through her imaginative little sense.

When Lily was close to being 15 months old, I noticed that she started to interact with more things and she was definitely more mobile! I would create themed tables for her to play at, which were interactive and engaging - all paired with books that we had in our at-home library. Lily got to work on her vocabulary and learn new words, fine motor skills, and we had a great combination of bonding while reading/playing, and other moments that included her playing independently (and me having a few minutes to relax!)

Our themes evolved and I continued to share them with friends and family. As I continued to get questions about the set ups and share the details, I realized that not everyone has the time or energy to set up the intentional themed play we were doing.

These boxes have been SO fun to make, and I loved the idea of getting to help other toddler parents get through their already busy days. This led me to creating the same experience for other parents and their little ones, but really taking the guesswork out of it all!

When you buy a story box, I hope you get…


A few minutes of peace and quiet as they open up the box and explore what’s inside


Opportunities to bond as you read and interact with each story box together (you taking a break from your work to play and tap into your inner child can be a nice stress reliever!)


A simple process of seeing a theme you like on the website here, adding it to your cart, and getting it delivered days later!


Be the first to know about knew themes, and get play time inspiration from Paige!